Obtain list of ros node name without calling ros::init
Hi, i'd like to check the list of ros nodes whether a certain name already exists prior to initalising my local node (Avoiding using the same name). Is this somehow possible? The only way I could think of yet is to run "rosnode list" and parse the output in my program. But that is kind of ugly.
Asked by firesurfer on 2019-03-27 03:10:42 UTC
The Master exposes an XML-RPC server that is used for every interaction with it.
You could use that to see whether a particular name has already been registered.
Edit: I know this is a vague comment, so I'll leave #q271776 here as an example of how this could be done using Python and various parts of other ROS Python libraries.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-03-27 04:15:01 UTC