how to change range_max from default turtlebot3 distance sensor?
Hello, I am having issues trying to change the turtlebot3 (waffle) default distance sensor parameters. Specifically, I am trying to change the range_max parameter to a different value. I have tried to do that by looking into several config files but it seems like I have not found the correct one yet. Do you know which would be the correct config file to modify the below parameters?
When I type the following command, I get the parameters listed below (with no change on range_max parameter when I tried to modify config files):
$rostopic echo /scan
seq: 2684
secs: 537
nsecs: 486000000
frame_id: "base_scan"
angle_min: 0.0
angle_max: 6.28318977356
angle_increment: 0.0175019223243
time_increment: 0.0
scan_time: 0.0
range_min: 0.119999997318
range_max: 3.5
I am using turtlebot3 (waffle) in Gazebo/RViz with Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04
Thank you.