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Hector Slam gets stuck

Here is an example of our gazebo setup with hectorslam: link

On smooth parts of the track, the estimated position of the car gets stuck.

We added some detail to our track model and it works slightly better, but still gets stuck: link

Is this a limitation of hectorslam or is it being used incorrectly? Does hectorslam make use of the odometry data? We didn't see it perform differently with or without odometry. Is there a way to check if our odometry data is correct?

Thank you!

We use Ubuntu 16.04, ROS kinetic 1.12.14 and the ros-kinetic-hector-slam package.

Asked by marian42 on 2019-03-02 05:40:15 UTC



From the main hector mapping page:

hector_mapping is a node for LIDAR based SLAM with no odometry and low computational resources.

Subscribed Topics:

scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan) The laser scan used by the SLAM system.

syscommand (std_msgs/String) System command. If the string equals "reset" the map and robot pose are reset to their inital state.

Asked by billy on 2019-03-02 13:03:42 UTC


hello am having the same problem but in diffrent way while am building the project it got stuck in Scanning dependencies of target hector_map_server and the rasberry pi 3b + get stuck and blocked until i unplug the power before that i had a qt problem so i did instal qt4 after that i had the pervious problem. so hoop i will get a answer about that .

Asked by houhou on 2020-06-17 09:59:56 UTC
