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hector_slam doesn't work but no error

asked 2019-02-20 02:20:15 -0500

metobom gravatar image

Hello I am trying to create map of my gazebo world with hector slam. First I am launching my world roslaunch evarobot_navigation MUAM_nav_mapping.launch world_path:=$(rospack find evarobot_gazebo)/worlds/MUAM_test1.sdf then I launch my slam file roslaunch evarobot_slam gazebo_slam.launch

    metobom@metobom-TULPAR-T5-V17-1:~$ roslaunch evarobot_slam gazebo_slam.launch
WARNING: Package name "metosPack" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits, underscores, and dashes.
... logging to /home/metobom/.ros/log/201a0470-34e6-11e9-b0ee-b46bfc3ecfa1/roslaunch-metobom-TULPAR-T5-V17-1-26023.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

WARNING: Package name "metosPack" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits, underscores, and dashes.
started roslaunch server http://metobom-TULPAR-T5-V17-1:45191/


 * /hector_geotiff_node/draw_background_checkerboard: True
 * /hector_geotiff_node/draw_free_space_grid: True
 * /hector_geotiff_node/geotiff_save_period: 0.0
 * /hector_geotiff_node/map_file_base_name: hector_slam_map
 * /hector_geotiff_node/map_file_path: /home/metobom/met...
 * /hector_geotiff_node/plugins: hector_geotiff_pl...
 * /hector_height_mapping/advertise_map_service: True
 * /hector_height_mapping/base_frame: base_link
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_frame: map
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_pub_period: 0.5
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_resolution: 0.05
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_size: 1024
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_start_x: 0.5
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_start_y: 0.5
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_update_angle_thresh: 0.1
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_update_distance_thresh: 0.02
 * /hector_height_mapping/map_with_known_poses: False
 * /hector_height_mapping/odom_frame: odom_combined
 * /hector_height_mapping/output_timing: False
 * /hector_height_mapping/pub_map_odom_transform: True
 * /hector_height_mapping/scan_topic: lidar
 * /hector_height_mapping/update_factor_free: 0.45
 * /hector_height_mapping/use_tf_pose_start_estimate: False
 * /hector_height_mapping/use_tf_scan_transformation: True
 * /hector_trajectory_server/source_frame_name: scanmatcher_frame
 * /hector_trajectory_server/target_frame_name: /map
 * /hector_trajectory_server/trajectory_publish_rate: 0.25
 * /hector_trajectory_server/trajectory_update_rate: 4.0
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.14
 * /use_sim_time: True

    hector_geotiff_node (hector_geotiff/geotiff_node)
    hector_height_mapping (hector_mapping/hector_mapping)
    hector_trajectory_server (hector_trajectory_server/hector_trajectory_server)


WARNING: Package name "metosPack" does not follow the naming conventions. It should start with a lower case letter and only contain lower case letters, digits, underscores, and dashes.
process[hector_height_mapping-1]: started with pid [26049]
process[hector_trajectory_server-2]: started with pid [26050]
process[hector_geotiff_node-3]: started with pid [26052]
[ INFO] [1550649881.660822367]: Waiting for tf transform data between frames /map and scanmatcher_frame to become available
HectorSM map lvl 0: cellLength: 0.05 res x:1024 res y: 1024
[ INFO] [1550649881.758557936]: Successfully initialized hector_geotiff MapWriter plugin TrajectoryMapWriter.
[ INFO] [1550649881.758715284]: Geotiff node started
HectorSM map lvl 1: cellLength: 0.1 res x:512 res y: 512
HectorSM map lvl 2: cellLength: 0.2 res x:256 res y: 256
[ INFO] [1550649881.784016037]: HectorSM p_base_frame_: base_link
[ INFO] [1550649881.784071867]: HectorSM p_map_frame_: map
[ INFO] [1550649881.784104402]: HectorSM p_odom_frame_: odom_combined
[ INFO] [1550649881.784116682]: HectorSM p_scan_topic_: lidar
[ INFO] [1550649881.784138325]: HectorSM p_use_tf_scan_transformation_: true
[ INFO] [1550649881.784148924]: HectorSM p_pub_map_odom_transform_: true
[ INFO] [1550649881.784158608]: HectorSM p_scan_subscriber_queue_size_: 5
[ INFO] [1550649881.784169844]: HectorSM p_map_pub_period_: 0.500000
[ INFO] [1550649881.784179580]: HectorSM p_update_factor_free_: 0.450000
[ INFO] [1550649881.784192952]: HectorSM p_update_factor_occupied_: 0.900000
[ INFO] [1550649881.784202634]: HectorSM p_map_update_distance_threshold_: 0.020000 
[ INFO] [1550649881.784211806]: HectorSM p_map_update_angle_threshold_: 0.100000
[ INFO] [1550649881.784224751]: HectorSM p_laser_z_min_value_: -1.000000
[ INFO] [1550649881.784234499]: HectorSM p_laser_z_max_value_: 1.000000
[ INFO] [1550649882.662649986, 32.799000000]: Finished waiting for tf, waited 32.799000 seconds

after I launch slam file I see this in the terminal that I opened gazebo

[ INFO] [1550649867.793308519, 22 ...
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I'm guessing this is also related to #q317000

mgruhler gravatar image mgruhler  ( 2019-03-08 00:38:37 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-03-12 17:15:25 -0500

metobom gravatar image

Here is the source and reason of problem LINK.

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Asked: 2019-02-20 02:20:15 -0500

Seen: 281 times

Last updated: Mar 12 '19