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moveit error group is not a chain


I’m trying to send trajectory generated by moveit to gazebo for panda arm. Everything on gazebo side is fine.

When i launch planning_execution.launch file moveit shows me below error:

Group pandaarm is not a chain. Kinematics solver of type 'kdlkinematicsplugin/KDLKinematicsPlugin' could not be initialized for group 'pandaarm'

I also found out here that adding kinemtics chain instead of joints group will solve the problem.

After implementing the above change i get error related to ''robot model is not loaded''.

can anyone help me out in this??

Asked by mvish7 on 2019-02-18 10:38:25 UTC


Please post more details about your environment, URDF, and the actual error message.

Asked by fvd on 2019-02-19 00:51:42 UTC
