Mini-Turty robot get stuck on corner when navigating
I created a map using a Rhoeby Dynamics Mini-Turty II robot and am using that to do navigation. It works most of the time, but sometimes it gets "stuck" on corners. As far as I can determine, it seems to create a global path that is too close to the obstacle (eg. corner of a wall). Then when it navigates along the path, it appears to just barely enter the "lethal" area and then gives up (goes into recovery behaviors). Is there a way to have the global path take a wider route around obstacles?
The robot is using Ubuntu 16.04 on Raspberry Pi 3, Kinetic, Move Base, DWA planner and AMCL.
Asked by tfurgerson on 2019-02-12 10:18:07 UTC
To make the robot move far from obstacles decrease the cost-scaling factor it will make the curve less steep in terms of cost. Robot will try not to go too near the obstacles.
Asked by Siddhantoon on 2021-10-06 01:39:27 UTC
I am having the same problem
Asked by vcavinat on 2019-10-10 04:18:43 UTC