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MoveIt default frame for compute_ik service

I am trying to use the /compute_ik service which MoveIt advertises. It seems that this service always converts the desired pose into the default_frame as shown here.

It appears that the default frame is /odom, which is the the root of the srdf we are using. This means that the IK call fails if tfdoesn't have information on the odom frame, even if the IK call only pertains to transform downstream. For example, to move the right arm group to a pose expressed in the frame base_link, there's no reason to involve the odom frame.

Am I understanding the situation correctly? And is there a work around to avoid needing the /odom frame?

Asked by gustavogoretkin on 2019-01-31 22:55:26 UTC


If the root frame of your URDF is odom and your giving a goal pose in base_link then there will need to be a transformation between odom and base_link available or it will fail.

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2019-02-01 04:11:39 UTC
