Stewart Platform: how can i connect multiple joints to the same child link
I think my problem is similar to this post already posted in 2015 here is the link
I want to simulate a robot in Gazebo. This robot contains a kind of delta machine. It consists in :
• three cylinders,
• three conrods, linked with the pistons rods (tigeverin) on one side and with one plate (platecamera_support) on the other side,
• a plate (platecamerasupport). My objective is to control the altitude and the orientation of the plate (platecamerasupport) around the X axis and Y axis.
Here is the tf_tree of my URDF model. But unfortunately, I’m not able to introduce the last 2 joints of the model (in red on the picture below). Is the last answer still relevant? Is there a trick to face this « problem » ?
PS: I’m working on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and ROS Kinetic. Thanks in Advance
Asked by Abdel on 2019-01-24 15:35:52 UTC
Unless this is a Gazebo question (in which case it should have been posted on
and SDF can be used) the situation described in #q244903 and #q216101 hasn't changed. That means it's not possible to model such a platform in URDF (or at least: you cannot model the multiple-parent constraint).
The answer posted by @lucasw in #q244903 would seem to be a nice work-around.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-01-25 03:54:41 UTC
Non-gazebo solution
Asked by lucasw on 2019-01-24 19:23:17 UTC