How imu is detected?
Hi, I am new to ROS, i have read documentation and implementation of robotlocalizationnode. Now i am about to implement this approach as stated, i wanted to clear up few basic points if someone can clear it to me..
- 1- How implementation algorithm will detect which IMU sensor i am using? Where i have to mention about it? Apart from imu0/config.
- 2- What starting step i have to take in order to be able to build this node on my Virtual Machine? (Downloading INDIGO, and what steps i need to follow after having indigo) ?
It would be a great help if someone can give me a little bit of input not even detailed because i am confused a bit with starting it. THANKS!
Asked by Mus007 on 2019-01-07 10:08:48 UTC
Hi Mus007,
How implementation algorithm will detect which IMU sensor i am using? Where i have to mention about it? Apart from imu0/config.
An IMU config stanza starts with the name the ROS topic to which your IMU will publish, and robot_localization
will subscribe:
imu0: /imu/data
Your IMU ROS driver will publish a message of type sensor_msgs/Imu to this topic. I see there's at least one existing ROS driver for your IMU out there: BNO055, so you may not have to write your own.
What starting step i have to take in order to be able to build this node on my Virtual Machine? (Downloading INDIGO, and what steps i need to follow after having indigo) ?
The beginner tutorials explain the whole process of building a ROS environment.
Asked by Rick Armstrong on 2019-01-07 10:56:00 UTC
Thanks alot for such a clear response, Last thing which i want to make sure, How to include these imu driver files with robot_localization files? I have to merge .yaml and .launch files with that of robot_localization? Thanks!
Asked by Mus007 on 2019-01-08 04:23:33 UTC
The IMU driver runs in an entirely separate process (ROS node) from the robot_localization
nodes. Each node has its own associated configuration files and launch file. Again, running through all of the beginner tutorials and reading the robot_localization
documentation will clear things up.
Asked by Rick Armstrong on 2019-01-25 22:30:31 UTC