Cannot rqt_reconfigure rpicamera
$ roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_rpicamera.launch
.. logging to /home/nasikuning-turtlebot/.ros/log/cea72d36-02a7-11e9-bbc6-708bcd44c2e6/roslaunch-nasikuning-turtlebot-1888.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server
* /raspicam_node/camera_frame_id: raspicam
* /raspicam_node/camera_id: 0
* /raspicam_node/camera_info_url: package://raspica...
* /raspicam_node/camera_name: camerav2_1280x960
* /raspicam_node/enable_imv: False
* /raspicam_node/enable_raw: False
* /raspicam_node/framerate: 30
* /raspicam_node/height: 960
* /raspicam_node/width: 1280
* /rosdistro: kinetic
* /rosversion: 1.12.14
raspicam_node (raspicam_node/raspicam_node)
process[raspicam_node-1]: started with pid [1897]
[ INFO] [1545136885.529752612]: splitter component done
[ INFO] [1545136885.659801234]: camera calibration URL: package://raspicam_node/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml
[ INFO] [1545136885.704268525]: Camera successfully calibrated from default file
[ INFO] [1545136885.704414721]: using default calibration URL
[ INFO] [1545136885.704531960]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/nasikuning-turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml
[ INFO] [1545136885.704710083]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/nasikuning-turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml]
[ WARN] [1545136885.704794562]: Camera calibration file /home/nasikuning-turtlebot/.ros/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml not found.
[ INFO] [1545136885.704867269]: No device specifc calibration found
[ INFO] [1545136885.959623992]: Starting video capture (1280, 960, 80, 30)
[ INFO] [1545136885.960240548]: Video capture started
^C[raspicam_node-1] killing on exit
raspicam_node: /usr/include/boost/thread/pthread/recursive_mutex.hpp:113: void boost::recursive_mutex::lock(): Assertion `!pthread_mutex_lock(&m)' failed.
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
and then when
$rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
they do not update as usually
and then when i use ar pose camera do not show up just blank on rviz
long time ago i solved the problem and the result is
raspicam_node (raspicam_node/raspicam_node)
process[raspicam_node-1]: started with pid [1897]
[ INFO] [1545136885.659801234]: Loading CameraInfo from package://raspicam_node/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml
[ INFO] [1545136885.529752612]: Camera component done
[ INFO] [1545136885.529752612]: Encoder component done
[ INFO] [1545136885.659801234]: camera calibration URL: package://raspicam_node/camera_info/camerav2_1280x960.yaml
[ INFO] [1545136885.704268525]: Camera successfully calibrated from default file
[ INFO] [1545136885.704531960]: Reconfigure request : contrast 0, .....
[ INFO] [1545136885.704710083]: Reconfigure done
[ INFO] [1545136885.959623992]: Starting video capture (1280, 960, 80, 30)
[ INFO] [1545136885.960240548]: Video capture started
and then how to just like this, any solution? please help :(