Detect an object of a certain color and move to it
I'm using Gazebo 9.5.0 and ROS Melodic on an Ubuntu 18.04.
I'm newbie with Gazebo and ROS, and I only need suggestions about how to do this:
Use a Pioneer3AT robot with a vision system that is able to detect an object of a certain color and move to it.
Is there any plugin that can detect objects of a color and move to it?
Asked by Elric on 2018-12-14 13:18:25 UTC
I'm so late in replying, but for people who might see this message in future: You can achieve this with PCL(point cloud library), meaning that you need a depth sensor. The following link is exactly what was asked here:
You can get the position of the object with this package, and then use navigation stack for moving the mobile robot to it.
Asked by Alireza_msb on 2021-06-16 12:52:13 UTC