Astra S camera cannot run, ROS

asked 2018-12-11 05:17:42 -0500

Getchbold NT gravatar image

updated 2018-12-11 05:19:34 -0500

Hi everyone,

I am testing the Astra S camera, I already installed necessary Drivers and Packages for Astra S camera. I catkin_make without any errors, and i can run the .launch file normally. However, I faced error:

Device "2bc5/0402@1/22" found.

Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data...

Reason: astra_wrapper::AstraDevice::AstraDevice(const string&) @ /home/syscon/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera/src/astra_device.cpp @ 76 : Device open failed

Could not open "2bc5/0402@1/22": Failed to send a USB control request!

I have tried some solutions, however, I am still stuck here. Can you please give me some advices ?

Thanks in advances !

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