Arduino rosserial not updating (not in-sync) with ROS movements [closed]

asked 2018-12-04 23:12:30 -0500

pranavb104 gravatar image

updated 2018-12-04 23:13:14 -0500


I am trying to make a 3 link robot arm (with 3 steppers) move in a single plane. I am facing some problems when interfacing it with my Arduino Uno.

The robot -arm moves, but sometimes it goes out of sync and it does not move to it's final position for the corresponding movement in ROS. I have debugged the issue and these are the prints from ROS publisher.

[ INFO] [1543985383.681003214]: total: 1845
[ INFO] [1543985383.681053201]: Done conversion to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985383.681491597]: total: 1430
[ INFO] [1543985383.681544521]: Done conversion to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985383.886151296]: total: 1080
[ INFO] [1543985383.886732527]: Done conversion to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985383.892410070]: total: 781
[ INFO] [1543985383.894085465]: Done conversion to /joint_steps
[ INFO] [1543985384.080022691]: Published to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985384.080923482]: total: 511
[ INFO] [1543985384.080969519]: Done conversion to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985384.081409690]: total: 381
[ INFO] [1543985384.081448439]: Done conversion to /joint_steps
[ INFO] [1543985384.280018187]: Published to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985384.281263874]: total: 271
[ INFO] [1543985384.281349498]: Done conversion to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985384.282131103]: total: 161
[ INFO] [1543985384.282210489]: Done conversion to /joint_steps
[ INFO] [1543985384.480194118]: Published to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985384.481680640]: total: 51
[ INFO] [1543985384.481775764]: Done conversion to /joint_steps

[ INFO] [1543985384.482577219]: total: 3
[ INFO] [1543985384.482759154]: Done conversion to /joint_steps

The final position should be 3 , but looking at the message published from the arduino, the final value is 1430.

data: 9537
data: 9426
data: 9206
data: 8875
data: 8260
data: 6439
data: 1430

Is this a possible problem of the arduino not able to receive all the messages on time? My ros piblisher works at 10Hz(max) and my arduino loop at 50Hz.

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by pranavb104
close date 2018-12-06 21:06:37.827943