rViz not displaying remote topic
I am working with two devices (comp1, comp2), both with raspbian stretch including ROS kinetic installed (according to http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/NetworkSetup and http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/MultipleMachines)
On comp1 I have a simple node, publishing a volume (with the visualizationmsgs package) with the sample Marker code (http://wiki.ros.org/rviz/Tutorials/Markers%3A%20Basic%20Shapes -> usingmarkers basic_shapes).
I want to display these shapes on comp2 in rViz. I correctly find the topic (/visualizationmarker) and I can make rViz subscribe to that topic. I also set the base frame to /myframe as indicated in the tutorial.
The weired thing is:
- If I run
rostopic echo /visualization_marker
on comp1, I can see new messages arriving (therefore I concluded that the firewall and the node itself are correctly setup). - If I run the node
using_markers basic_shapes
on comp2, rViz shows all the shapes correctly (therefore I concluded that rViz is configured correctly).
But I cannot think of what could possibly fail - especially since I thought in ROS it would not really matter if a node is executed on the same or on a different machine (as long as the firewall is ok -> what I concluded that it is, because rostopic echo /visualization_markers
is showing the correct data being transmitted from comp1 to comp2.
Could anyone help me what could still be wrongly configured - given all the things which are working? Thank you in advance!
Asked by luzi on 2018-11-22 19:02:08 UTC
it doesn't, but you must configure everything correctly.
Can you show us
env | grep -i ros | sort
on both machines?Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-11-23 07:29:26 UTC
hi, I have a similar problem... have you found out what was the problem?
Asked by cucuuumber on 2020-10-06 05:20:57 UTC