Callback not updating class member variable
I have encountered a strange problem. I have a standard class
class A{
A(ros::NodeHandle& nh){
sub = nh.subscribe("cmd", 10, &A::cmd_callback, this);
cmd_received = "none";
void cmd_callback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg){
cmd_received = msg->data;
std::cout<< "cmd received in callback: " << cmd_received << std::endl;
void update(){
ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(2.0, "cmd received: " << cmd_received);
std::string cmd_received;
ros::Subscriber sub
Now when I send a string message from my python publisher it seems to be correctly received. The print statement in the callback outputs the correct value. However when calling the update function in the main loop, the value of cmd_received is the initial one ("none").
This is seems to be a very subtle bug, normally this kind of structure works great.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
We can't really debug this for you without seeing all of your code. Could you post the rest of it.
It is part of a larger program which I cannot put here. I detailing the symptoms to see if anyone has encountered something similar. If not, I will find a work around.
I've tried running this and it works fine on my machine running 16.04 and kinetic. Here's the test code I'm using to test. Can you run it on your machine to confirm that you still see the issue?
It's possible you have more than one instance of this class which is causing this bug.