Nite download for openni_tracker
Hello guys!
Recently I'm willing to run openni_tracker on an Ubuntu 16 machine with ros Kinetic installed. Knowing that opennitracker is a discontinued package i went through some tutorial to try to install it anyway. I found some tutorials like this or this explaining that there is a way to run opennitracker on ros kinetic.
The thing is, every tutorial says i should download Nite version from this link , but when i try to access the page i'm asked for an user and a password with the message: is requesting your username and password. The site says: “rutorrent” - but i don't know how to get them since i can't enter the page.
I would appreciate if someone help me with another way to download Nite or to install the package :D
edit: i found it here:
Asked by Kristofer Kappel on 2018-11-14 13:26:57 UTC
Might be nice to post your edit as an answer instead so that this question can show up as answered.
Asked by jarvisschultz on 2018-12-03 16:55:52 UTC