[gazebo_gui-2] process has died [pid 11076, exit code 134]
Hi, im new to ros and kinova. And right now im trying to run a simulation for a kinova arm, the installation are complete. but when i try to run the command in the tutorial: roslaunch kinovagazebo robotlaunch.launch kinova_robotType:=j2n6s300, Gazebo immediately crushed. And here is the meesage in my terminal:
Error [Param.cc:451] Unable to set value [-nan -nan -nan] for key[size]
gzclient: /build/ogre-1.9-mqY1wq/ogre-1.9-1.9.0+dfsg1/OgreMain/src/OgreNode.cpp:630: virtual void Ogre::Node::setScale(const Ogre::Vector3&): Assertion `!inScale.isNaN() && "Invalid vector supplied as parameter"' failed.
[ INFO] [1541708946.529583490, 0.363000000]: Loading gazeboroscontrol plugin
[ INFO] [1541708946.529739830, 0.363000000]: Starting gazeboroscontrol plugin in namespace: j2n6s300
[ INFO] [1541708946.530595959, 0.363000000]: gazeboroscontrol plugin is waiting for model URDF in parameter [/robotdescription] on the ROS param server.
Aborted (core dumped)
[ WARN] [1541708946.638724711, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300joint1'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.639499150, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300joint2'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.640085001, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300joint3'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.640617219, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300joint4'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.641398961, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300joint5'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.642482700, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300joint6'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.643513221, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300jointfinger1'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.644006200, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300jointfinger2'.
[ WARN] [1541708946.644392641, 0.363000000]: Deprecated syntax, please prepend 'hardwareinterface/' to 'EffortJointInterface' within the tag in joint 'j2n6s300jointfinger3'.
[ INFO] [1541708946.648647440, 0.363000000]: Loaded gazeboroscontrol.
[gazebogui-2] process has died [pid 11076, exit code 134, cmd /home/ruxuan/catkinws/src/gazeborospkgs/gazeboros/scripts/gzclient _name:=gazebogui _log:=/home/ruxuan/.ros/log/8c84df30-e393-11e8-8743-f828197a2a1f/gazebogui-2.log].
log file: /home/ruxuan/.ros/log/8c84df30-e393-11e8-8743-f828197a2a1f/gazebo_gui-2*.log
Anyone know how to solve this issue? Thnaks a lot!
How did you manage to solve it? I have the same error
Asked by fish24 on 2019-08-07 07:02:13 UTC