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What is rostopic for geometry_msg::posestamped ?

I want to write a cpp code to publish geometrymsg::posestamped. what rostopic should i write in the place of "chatter" in the code ? ros::Publisher localpospub = n.advertise<geometrymsgs::PoseStamped> ("chatter", 2);

Asked by rishabhdeadpool on 2018-11-06 08:40:33 UTC



in this code

ros::Publisher local_pos_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::posestamped> ("chatter", 2);

chatter is the name of topic and you can change to what you want in this part "advertise " you set the msg type in this case is geometry_msgs::posestamped

Asked by Hamid Didari on 2018-11-06 08:56:05 UTC
