How to get particular images of ros_imageview and send those images for backend server?I
Hello everyone,Currently i am making an app that subscribed to published images from ros computer.I had able to display the particular images in my app but i couldn't figure out how could i send those images to backend server.I need to send those images particulary using POST request to backend server.
Asked by bhattarairazu on 2018-11-04 03:37:18 UTC
This sounds like a general networking question. Have you used cv_bridge to get an OpenCV Mat object of the images? From this point onward it's no longer a ROS issue.
Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-11-04 05:35:25 UTC
@PeteBlackerThe3rd Yeah its a Networking question but i could not figure out how i could extract those images from ros_imageview.I need to get those images bitmap.
Asked by bhattarairazu on 2018-11-05 04:10:29 UTC