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Unknown Host Exception Error occurs

I was able to subscribe and publish a message from ros computer to android apps without any errors.When i tried to connect to ros master uri , it connects successfully but i could not received message from ros computer to android apps.

When i saw logcat it says:

UpdatePublisherRunnable: java.lang.RuntimeException: paaila-MS-7A15.

What might be the error ?Could anybody help me?

Asked by bhattarairazu on 2018-10-30 05:50:40 UTC


Is paaila-MS-7A15 a hostname that can be resolved by the network's DNS server?

If not: that is your problem.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-10-30 15:53:57 UTC


To debug this problem you can check the topic that you are publishing and subscribing to by using

rostopic info /topic_name

If you see that the address in front of the subscriber node and publisher node is not the same which i am guessing in your case for publisher node will be something like http://paaila-MS-7A:xxxxx and for subscriber node will be an ip-adress then that is your problem. To resolve this, in case you are publishing from a terminal on your pc, try running

export ROS_IP="your machine's ipaddress"

and then the "rostopic pub" command in the same terminal window and your android device subscribing to this topic should receive the message.

Asked by on 2019-04-23 03:16:12 UTC
