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AMCL for (x,y) pose only


I would like to apply AMCL on my virtual robot which is a point mass. To the best of my understanding, the default implementation of AMCL has 3 state variables: x, y and yaw. Since my robot is a point mass and my scans are 360 degrees I am not interested in the yaw, only in x and y. Even if I ignore the yaw filed in amcl_pose topic, the oriented particles make the pose estimation diverge to undesired directions over the time.

Is there a way or a trick to make AMCL work with (x,y) only?


Asked by Omer on 2018-09-11 06:05:32 UTC


Just to check, so your virtual 360 degree scans have their orientation fixed relative to the world?

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-09-11 07:11:58 UTC

That's correct

Asked by Omer on 2018-09-11 10:27:54 UTC
