How to convert CameraInfo sensor msgs to Images?
Hi, is there any function for converting CameraInfo sensor messages to images. I'm aware of CvBridge library but it seems to me like it only works for Image sensor messages. I appreciate your help!
Sorry if you misunderstood me. Video was recorded from the camera, but the .bag wasn't recorded using Image msg type. It's structured like this:
some header
<Preface Index> // preface frame index
<Message Data> // first frame record
<Message Data> // last frame record
<Index Data> // index of all records in the previous chunk
<Connection> // connection specs
<Chunk Info> // additional chunk info
So, when I type rosbag info in command line, I get only CameraInfo msg type recognized, but that msgs are probably containing our special format.
So, what I'm then interested in is how to access/view the content of these msgs?
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo.msg contains only information for a camera such as camera, projection and distortion matrices. It does not contain the images so you should use CvBridge to convert ROS images (sensor_msgs/Image) into OpenCV (cv::Mat)