imu orientation callback of robot_localization and mahalanobis distance formula
In rl package, imu topic callback is defined in here. For imu orientation, it calls ` poseCallback(pptr, poseCallbackData, baseLinkFrameId, true);and then it calls
preparePose() `func with params: targetFrame="base_link", imuData=true.
Let's look at the preparePose() func carefully. Because IMU maybe have a magnetometer or not(commonly it has a gyro and acc), with imu differential param and relative param set differently, we can conclude 8 cases, let us focuse on the 4 cases when differential=false
, just like this picture. Following ROS Conventions for IMU Sensor Drivers, when there is not a magnetometer, the imu's world_frame is the initial time of imu itself. Generally, on initial time imu is roll=0, pitch=0, yaw=unknown.
if (imuData)
// First, convert the transform and measurement rotation to RPY
// @todo: There must be a way to handle this with quaternions. Need to look into it.
double rollOffset = 0;
double pitchOffset = 0;
double yawOffset = 0;
double roll = 0;
double pitch = 0;
double yaw = 0;
RosFilterUtilities::quatToRPY(targetFrameTrans.getRotation(), rollOffset, pitchOffset, yawOffset);
RosFilterUtilities::quatToRPY(poseTmp.getRotation(), roll, pitch, yaw);
// 6b. Apply the offset (making sure to bound them), and throw them in a vector
tf2::Vector3 rpyAngles(FilterUtilities::clampRotation(roll - rollOffset),
FilterUtilities::clampRotation(pitch - pitchOffset),
FilterUtilities::clampRotation(yaw - yawOffset));
// 6c. Now we need to rotate the roll and pitch by the yaw offset value.
// Imagine a case where an IMU is mounted facing sideways. In that case
// pitch for the IMU's world frame is roll for the robot.
tf2::Matrix3x3 mat;
mat.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, yawOffset);
rpyAngles = mat * rpyAngles;
poseTmp.getBasis().setRPY(rpyAngles.getX(), rpyAngles.getY(), rpyAngles.getZ());
// We will use this target transformation later on, but
// we've already transformed this data as if the IMU
// were mounted neutrall on the robot, so we can just
// make the transform the identity.
It seems make sense that poseTmp's orientation finally represents: time=msg.header.stamp, the baselink in odomframe orientation with imu orientation info estimated. But If the IMU has a magnetometer, what is the meaning of rpyAngles = mat * rpyAngles
? We know that imu's orientation is from imuworldframe to imulink. Before multiplying rpyAngles with mat, rpyAngles is: time=msg.header.stamp, the baselink in imuworldframe orientation, mat is : time=msg.header.stamp, imulink in baselink orientation, on this time, i want to know what is the meaning of rpyAngles = mat * rpyAngles;
, can they multiply, or something i misunderstanding?
Q2:why initialize the estimateErrorCovariance_ very small, should not with large values, in here?
//Set the estimate error covariance. We want our measurements
// to be accepted rapidly when the filter starts, so we should
// initialize the state's covariance with large values.
estimateErrorCovariance_ *= 1e-9;
Q3: When Check Mahalanobis distance between mapped measurement and state in ekf's correct func, i think a measurement z is a normal distribution, N(H*xk^, H* pk^ * H')
without measurement noise, where xk^ is the predicted state, and pk^ is the corresponding covariance. Why in the code above, measurement z's covariance is H* pk^ * H' + R
, where R is measurementCovarianceSubset, size updateSize* updateSize, should z's covariance not be H* pk^ * H' + W
, where W is the covarince of normally distributed measurement noise ? Measurement covariance is not different from covarince of measurement noise, right?
What do you think about this three questions?
Asked by jxl on 2018-09-05 04:34:47 UTC