Usage Documentation for libDiffDrivePlugin6W?

asked 2018-08-30 22:18:15 -0500

Wireline gravatar image

I have seen the page covering the general hector gazebo plugins , however there is no usage guidance for the parameters for the diffdriveplugin6w. I have only found one or two forum posts where people show their parameters. Is there a resource somewhere for learning to use it?

At the moment I am battling to get my odom to appear in rviz. The topics are being published according to rostopic list, including '/odom', but I am unable to select it as my fixed frame. I do not know if it stems from the settings I am using in 'six_bot.gazebo' or my code in 'six_bot.urdf'. This is the section relating to the 6w plugin in the .gazebo file:

       <plugin name="DiffDrivePlugin6W" filename="">

My robot does indeed have 6 wheels. I can provide the urdf if it helps? I am using kinetic and am on Ubuntu 16.04.

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