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how to modify urdf for another robotic arm

hello, I am new to ros. I just started learning ros for my master thesis. my robotic arm name is "grabit-arm". but I could not find urdf for that arm. but I found urdf for similar robotic arm ( "windowx arm"). so my question is, is it possible to do some modification in the urdf in order to use it for my robotic arm ?? or else i should start making urdf file from scratch?

Asked by on 2018-08-30 10:54:56 UTC



Sure, you can copy the URDF of a similar robot, insert it into your package and modify it as much as you like. This xacro wiki page is what you will probably refer to most while rewriting the URDF.

Note: If there already is an official URDF for your robot and you want to add things (e.g. a gripper or a camera), you should not modify the original file, but add the extra attachments in a separate file of your own.


Asked by fvd on 2018-09-02 20:50:17 UTC
