IK fast for 5 dof robot issue, openrave not showing the model
Hello ROS Community.
I have a 5DOF custom made robotic arm. I have been doing some cartesian path-based motion planning tasks with moveit commander, but (as it was expected) the default KDL fails to find solution quite often. Therefore, i tried to create the IKfast solver to my robot following the step-by-step instructions on the tutorial page.
I was able to successfully install the OpenSceneGraph, the FCL as well as the OpenRAVE based on the recommended link.
The first issue i encounter is, that the openrave "$MYROBOT_NAME".dae
doesnt show the robot model. (the collada file was successfully created, and the openrave-robot.py "$MYROBOT_NAME".dae --info links
shows the correct links, parents though).
I tested the official UR5 description (e.g., i created the collada from the official ur5_robot.urdf.xacro), but the outcome was the same, the openrave doesnt show the robot, just some unrecognizable shapes, as on the previous screenshot.
What could be the problem here?
Nonetheless, i could generate the solution CPP File, but now with the IKFastKinematicsPlugin NO successful motion planning can be performed (10/10 times it fails to find solution for the tested reachable poses).
can i suspect, that the root of this problem is related to the wrongly displayed model in openrave?
I also tried to make a wrapper.xml as it was recommended here, but i did not change the outcome.
Thank you for the help in advance.
Best regards, Ákos
Asked by akosodry on 2018-08-29 07:38:46 UTC
I have a same problem. I find my robot model link is in a wrong place on OpenRave 0.9.0(Development Version) after i open "$MYROBOT_NAME".dae. Is the fault from the wrong software version or my urdf model or even the urdf cenvention?
Asked by shupianbanjia on 2018-10-28 06:11:47 UTC
Facing the same issue here as well. Somebody with a better understanding please help!
Asked by pendragon on 2019-01-07 16:06:29 UTC
Did anyone manage to solve it yet?
Asked by Machine-Jonte on 2020-05-09 05:31:44 UTC
Facing the same issue here as well.
Asked by raghava13 on 2020-10-15 20:54:23 UTC