Image transport: Cannot set parameters

asked 2018-08-22 03:09:36 -0500

JayDe gravatar image


I have set up an image transport publisher like so:

  image_transport::ImageTransport img_transport(nodeHandle);
  myPub = img_transport.advertise("myTopic", 50);

And then simply use myPub.publish(msg) to publish images using this publisher. I can then see, that this results in advertising a longer list of topics, namely:


And I can also see the node in rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure. Unfortunately however, I am unable to change the compression parameters. When using rqt_reconfigure, it will always reset the values to default. When I use the command line to change parameters on the parameter server, it does not seem to have any effect (I checked with rostopic bw).

Do you have any idea why? Am I missing something?

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