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Question about tf of wheel


when i'm using the navigation on my robot (differential one ) i have this tf : map -> odom -> baselink -> baselaser

i still have some trouble with the localization since the laser scan are the aligned with map specially when the robot is turning , the scan drift from the static map , i have tried improve the odometry , modify the value of length between wheel , add an imu but i still have the same trouble , so i was wondering if it's has something to do with tf of wheel because i dont have tf between the wheel and base_link

Asked by kesuke on 2018-08-07 04:43:09 UTC



The geometry of the wheels is set by the values of the wheel radius and distance between them, so you don't need a TF for the wheel itself. The TF chain you describe of map -> odom -> base_link -> base_laser is all you should need to get this working.

For a skid steering robot I would expect a bit of trial and error would be needed to get good config values for the odometry because skidding is not always an exact science! Have you tried localizing using just the wheel odometry to see if the values from it are approximately correct?

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-08-07 07:23:33 UTC


@PeteBlackerThe3rd thank you for answering , yes i tried with the wheel encoder only , the topic odom seems to publish a correct value but the laser scan still drift from the static map when the robot turn ,would you like that i publish a video to see how it's drifting ?

Asked by kesuke on 2018-08-07 07:28:44 UTC