Path planning tool for ardrone !
Hello guys
I have developed an obstacle detection ROS node, and now i am willing to use a good path planning tool which can take information of an obstacle from my node (coordinates of obstacle location ) and do a path planning accordingly. I have indeed looked into ROS MoveIt but its only for laser scan and depth cameras. Even if this can be the solution with Moveit, can anyone please help in letting me know which is the best approach !!
Asked by zubair on 2018-08-04 18:32:34 UTC
This is not even remotely true: MoveIt uses a planning scene and that does not even have the concept of laser scans or depth cameras.
It is true there are plugins that takes in pointclouds or depth images, but there is no ..
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-08-05 10:14:27 UTC
.. restriction on what sort of other plugins you could write. As long as they add objects to the planning scene, any sensor can be used (and 'object' is a broad definition here, it could be an octomap fi).
Please refrain from such definitive statements unless you are absolutely sure they are true.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-08-05 10:15:53 UTC
Hello @gvdhoorn thanks for the reply, I actually want to add obstacle in the scene using a camera, basically in which I can tell obstacle is at x,y and rviz must show a point or something there.. that's is. it. I am using tum simulator and have created a package for my ardrone from Move setup assist
Asked by zubair on 2018-08-05 10:26:55 UTC
Can you give me an approach, using plugggin how can I add this information to my environment , and where do I actually need to implement that ?
Asked by zubair on 2018-08-05 10:27:39 UTC