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Accessing intensity values of points in a pointcloud

I am using the turbo-ros-pkg to publish the coordinates of the selected points of a pointcloud. However, I also wish to access the intensity values. I tried changing the point type to pcl::PointXYZI in the cpp and .h file of the package. But it doesn't work.


Asked by surabhi96 on 2018-07-25 20:24:53 UTC


Can you expand on what you mean by "it doesn't work"? Not clear what the problem is.

Asked by stevejp on 2018-07-26 07:24:10 UTC

Mere replacement of the point data type from pcl::PointXYZRGB to pcl::PointXYZI does not give the desired output. So, it 'doesn't work'.

Asked by surabhi96 on 2018-07-26 18:16:32 UTC

On selecting multiple points using the 'Select' tool, I can see the x, y, z values along with Intensity and ring num in the 'Selection' panel. Since the turbo-ros-pkg inherits from 'Select', I believe there could be some way of accessing and publishing the intensity values of the points

Asked by surabhi96 on 2018-07-26 18:17:52 UTC
