New message format for compressed pointcloud2?
I'm trying to subscribe the pointcloud message (~10MByte per frame) from a 3D camera, but find the DDS transmission consumed lots of bandwidth, and the latency is unacceptable under ROS2.
Considering pointcloud is more and more important for robot usages and actually it has big potential to be compressed, I'd like to check if it's possible to add a new message format in sensor_msgs, something like CompressedPointCloud2 for the data compressed by pcl. Thus the transmission effectiveness will be improved a lot.
Is there any other better idea?
Please include more information in your question. For example what programming language are you experiencing this with (C++ or Python), what version of ROS 2 you are using, etc.
@cathyshen also, can you in addition to what Dirk asked, provide e.g. a bag with the PointCloud2 data so we can benchmark?
@Dirk Thomas, @dejanpan, I'm using C++ and the ROS2 version is Bouncy. I can provide a PCD file with 1 frame 640x480 pointcloud2 data inside, but the file size is too big to share here which is about 12M. A manipulate PCD file should also work to reproduce this issue.
Related github issue: