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cmd_vel z value z is fixed

I'm trying to build an autonomous mapping and navigation robot with rplidar, arduino ( controlling the motors and ROS)

So far I I have got lidar, hector slam, hector exploration planner, and run the simpleexplorationcontroller and of course rosserial working fine.

I'm getting values from cmd_vel , as I change the rplidar , sometimes the x value changes but I'm getting a constant -1.4 for the z value and constant 0 for the y value .

Is that normal ?

Asked by on 2018-07-19 15:00:39 UTC


Are these the linear or angular values? a -1.4 value on the Z rotation would imply the robot is trying to turn.

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-07-20 01:04:30 UTC
