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No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist


I am trying to use hector_slam with rplidar

After following the steps on this tutorial here

I only see a grid without any map on rviz, with this error on the left side

No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist

Asked by on 2018-07-16 16:44:28 UTC


Just a casual suggestion- in command line enter rostopic list - see if any of those topics are a map topic. If your map topic is something other than just /map, change the Topic in rviz to the correct one in the toolbar on the left side.

Asked by AmateurHour on 2018-07-17 13:49:43 UTC


Try following this, and see if all your tf frames are connected. I've experienced cases where there were two unconnected tf trees which can cause this issue.

Asked by xnick77x on 2018-08-07 09:28:42 UTC
