Cannot load message class for [].
I want to publish the message from remote PC to Raspberry Pi.
First of all, I published the message and tested the Raspberry to make sure that the publisher and Pi worked and the message has been correctly established.
Then I connected my PC with Raspberry Pi and prepared all such things as source and ROSMASTERURI and so on.
After that I typed rosmsg list
and the message was just there. I think it was OK
But when I typed rostopic echo /mytopic
or rostopic pub -r 10 ...
just got the ERROR Cannot load message class for...
Could anyone kindly tell me how to fix this error? Thanks a lot
Asked by Kaaaaaai on 2018-07-05 08:59:35 UTC
Is this a custom message type from your own package?
Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-07-05 11:12:58 UTC