UR3 end effector models

asked 2018-06-21 05:00:47 -0500

thisyearspairo gravatar image

Hello all! I'm working with the universal_robot package and I would like to add an end effector to the robot model of the UR3 that is already there, i don't have the URDF models for the end effector, so what I would like to know is:

How do I make the URDF model of the end-effector in order to be able to visualize them in Gazebo and Rviz?

Is there any code that i need to change when I add it to the robot? I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and ros kinetic.

Thank you very much in advance.

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Have you solved this problem? I also encountered the same problem. How to add an end effector to UR3?

dxp397@foxmail.com gravatar image dxp397@foxmail.com  ( 2020-03-25 21:40:40 -0500 )edit


Where you able to figure out this problem? :)

spirit_light gravatar image spirit_light  ( 2021-02-22 09:12:20 -0500 )edit