Acceptable value of re-projection error for single camera calibration
While going through this tutorial on stereo calibration, it mentions 0.25 as acceptable value for epipolar error of stereo calibration but I could not find some similar statement for re-projection error for single camera calibration.
Can anyone point me to an official statement in the ROS wiki or somewhere mentioning the acceptable value of re-projection error for single camera calibration ?
Asked by malharjajoo on 2018-06-17 23:45:17 UTC
I believe there is no "official" value of reprojection error since theoretically, you would want it to be zero. Hence, all those "recommended" values are for reference only. And as rule of thumb, the lower reprojection error is, the better. I would suggest you check out kalibr. It is widely used and well-maintained package for camera-imu calibration.
Asked by tuandl on 2018-06-18 01:41:22 UTC