The move_base don't create the shortest distance path.
I need help. please advise me.
My setting is below.
My PC is Unbuntu 16.04 , Ros Kinetic.
My robot is turtlebot3 waffle ,
I use turtlebot3 navigation reference source code .
-> https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3/tree/master/turtlebot3_navigation.
I use launch command to run movebase node .
-> roslaunch turtlebot3navigation turtlebot3navigation.launch mapfile:=$HOME/map.yaml
By the way, if I set the goal position , Sometimes the robot moves to the Goal as shown in Figure 1.
I want the robot to move the shortest distance path as shown in Figure 2.
Click image to link to YouTube video.
video time line ( 0:00 ~ 0:30) -> actual mobility path , picture 1 ( Control robot by movebase & dwalocalplanner package )
video time line ( 0:30 ~ 0:58) -> desired mobility path , picture 2 (Control robot by turtlebot3teleop package )
What parameters need to be changed to improve the path?
I will attach the parameter value that I used.
- dwalocalplannerparams
https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3/blob/master/turtlebot3navigation/param/dwalocalplannerparamswaffle.yaml DWAPlannerROS:
Robot Configuration Parameters
maxvelx: 0.26
minvelx: -0.26
maxvely: 0.0
minvely: 0.0
// The velocity when robot is moving in a straight line
maxtransvel: 0.26
mintransvel: 0.13
maxrotvel: 1.82
minrotvel: 0.9
acclimx: 2.5
acclimy: 0.0
acclimtheta: 3.2
// Goal Tolerance Parametes
xygoaltolerance: 0.05
yawgoaltolerance: 0.17
latchxygoal_tolerance: false
// Forward Simulation Parameters
simtime: 2.0
vxsamples: 20
vysamples: 0
vthetasamples: 40
controller_frequency: 10.0
// Trajectory Scoring Parameters
pathdistancebias: 32.0
goaldistancebias: 20.0
occdistscale: 0.02
forwardpointdistance: 0.325
stoptimebuffer: 0.2
scalingspeed: 0.25
maxscalingfactor: 0.2
// Oscillation Prevention Parameters oscillationresetdist: 0.05
// Debugging
publishtrajpc : true
publishcostgrid_pc: true
-> https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3/blob/master/turtlebot3_navigation/param/move_base_params.yaml shutdowncostmaps: false
controllerfrequency: 10.0
plannerpatience: 5.0
controllerpatience: 15.0
conservativeresetdist: 3.0
plannerfrequency: 5.0
oscillationtimeout: 10.0
oscillation_distance: 0.2costmapcommonparams
Asked by hyunoklee on 2018-06-17 10:56:14 UTC
Please use question title as short summary of your problem. Your question have higher probability to be answered by someone else that way.
Asked by achmad_fathoni on 2018-06-18 08:26:04 UTC
what does the global plan looks like?Is there only local plan in the video?
Asked by pengjiawei on 2018-06-20 22:13:49 UTC