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ROS cannot find a node

I have successfully installed teblocalplanner on my machine using 'sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-teb-local-planner'. This package includes the testoptimnode node, and I can look up the node under /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/teblocalplanner.

The trouble comes when I try running the node, 'rosrun teblocalplanner testoptimnode'. ROS knows where the package, 'teblocalplanner' is, but cannot locate the node 'testoptimnode'. There must be a simple way to fix this problem, but I do not know how.

I have also tried cloning teblocalplanner from GitHub, but I cannot build the package from the source, because of an error that I have trouble resolving.

Asked by Raisintoe on 2018-06-06 17:10:48 UTC



I found the solution after a bit more searching in the ROS forums:

Because I had tried building from source first, I still needed to delete files in my workspace.

Asked by Raisintoe on 2018-06-06 17:20:58 UTC
