No /clock topic being published when running map_server map_saver
I have been following the ROS gmapping tutorial, How to Build a Map Using Logged Data, and have run into a problem where the sim clock is not being published when I try to save a map from a bag file.
- I set the uessimtime parameter to true.
- Am running gmapping slam_gmapping.
- The bag file succesfully played back using: rosbag play --clock myBagFile.bag
- but after processing the bag file, I use rosrun mapserver mapsaver -f myMap and I get the message: Waiting for the map
The /Clock topic is not being published. Isn't mapserver mapsaver supposed to publish the /clock topic?
From roswtf:
WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected: * /slamgmapping: * /tfstatic * /clock * /scan * /rostopic57551528131980494: * /clock * /map_saver: * /clock
WARNING No tf messages
Found 1 error(s).
ERROR /use_simtime is set but no publisher of /clock is present
Asked by Raisintoe on 2018-06-04 12:52:08 UTC