Finger positions of kinova arm does not update in RViz
Dear ROS community,
I am using kinova-ros package installed from source (kinova-driver release 1.2.1). The finger positions of kinova arm does not update in Rviz.
But both jointstate and finger positions topics are published. And I am able to controller each fingers with the script "".
rosrun kinova_demo j2n6s300 -r -v percent -100 -100 100
Tf is intact.
snippet of topic /j2n6s300driver/out/jointstate
name: ['j2n6s300_joint_1', 'j2n6s300_joint_2', 'j2n6s300_joint_3', 'j2n6s300_joint_4', 'j2n6s300_joint_5', 'j2n6s300_joint_6', 'j2n6s300_joint_finger_1', 'j2n6s300_joint_finger_2', 'j2n6s300_joint_finger_3']
position: [4.357342735441942, 2.9764899818103308, 0.8698737663328161, 3.9588342341413187, 1.6252170915642843, 1.3924464259631075, 0.012781970648700604, 0.012063306225569713, 0.012268638026209425]
velocity: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
effort: [-0.21822483837604523, -0.0, 0.003679371438920498, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
snippet of topic /j2n6s300driver/out/fingerposition
finger1: 62.25
finger2: 58.75
finger3: 59.75
Arm model: j2n6s300 rosversion: Kinetic
Asked by accio on 2018-06-01 02:39:42 UTC