How to include a C++ library from github into your ROS package?
Hi ROS community,
I am trying to add a Gaussian Process library that I found on github to my ROS package ( Unfortunately I am unable to add this library to my ROS package. What I have done so far is add the library to my catkin_ws, make a few modifications to my CMakelist.txt and then build it using catkin build. Does anyone know how I should modify my package files to include this libgp?
Here are the changes I made to my cmake. find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ... ... libgp )
catkinpackage( LIBRARIES bumperclass CATKIN_DEPENDS ... ... libgp )
Asked by OwnageManFromLOL on 2018-05-27 21:09:26 UTC
If this is a duplicate then please link us to the question of which it is a duplicate.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2018-05-28 01:36:55 UTC
Asked by OwnageManFromLOL on 2018-05-28 07:58:51 UTC