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Finding map to odom tf


So I know my robots position in map frame and I know its position in odom frame. How can I get tf which translates map-odom? I know package like amcl will give you pose in map and also give map-odom tf. I am making my own localization algorithm and can calculate my position in map, and I have got odom-baselink tf, but haven't figured out how to calculate map-odom tf. I know I can run mathematical equations to calculate it, but is there any function in rospy transformations of even roscpp that might automatically handle it?

Thank you

Asked by villie on 2018-05-02 22:04:11 UTC



I found the answer to that in amcl code.

  1. First you convert map to base position into a transform.
  2. Then you get tf::Stampedtf::Pose object of it
  3. Then you reverse it
  4. After that you transform the reverse to "odom" frame
  5. Then you make a temporary transform object from above result
  6. Reverse of transform is result and you broadcast it. Below is the code.

tf::Stampedtf::Pose map_to_base (map_position_transform.inverse(), msg->header.stamp, "base_footprint"); listener.transformPose("odom", map_to_base, odom_to_map);

    latest_tf_ = tf::Transform(tf::Quaternion(odom_to_map.getRotation()),

    tf::StampedTransform map_to_odom(latest_tf_.inverse(),
                                        "map", "odom");
    br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(map_to_odom, ros::Time::now(), "map", "odom"));

Asked by villie on 2018-05-04 06:46:43 UTC
