camera_info topic for stereo mapping
Hi, I am using 2 usb cameras of logitech company to make a stereo mapping with my platform. I am using RTABmap for it. I made a driver for the cameras with uvccamera package. The only topic that was published is the imageraw and the camera_info topic had no data. The matrix is all zeros. I searched in many sites and forums without any solution.
Asked by Aviad on 2018-04-25 10:51:16 UTC
You need to manually calibrate each camera as described here in order for the camera_info topic to contain the correct values. The camera itself does not know it's own calibration parameters so you have to find them yourself.
Even if both of your cameras are the same model you will need to calibrate them each separately because small manufacturing differences will affect the exact calibration values.
Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-04-25 12:24:05 UTC