camera_info topic is empty
Hi, I am using 2 usb cameras of logitech company to make a stereo mapping with my platform. I am using RTABmap for it. I made a driver for the cameras with uvccamera package. The only topic that was published is the imageraw and the camera_info topic had no data. The matrix is all zeros. I searched in many sites and forums without any solution.
Asked by Aviad on 2018-04-25 04:39:28 UTC
Did you calibrate the cameras? You should do that first so that you get some information about the cameras themselves. ROS by default doesn't know much about the camara you are plugin in. To start with the calibration run:
rosrun camera_calibration --size 8x6 --square 0.108 image:=/my_camera/image camera:=/my_camera
With the appropriate topics. You'll need a 8x6 chessboard with 108mm or the size you prefer, make sure to check the --size
and --square
parameters. An example chessboard panel is this one. Use it to calibrate the camaras and then you'll have some info about your cameras like distorsion and else.
Asked by bpinaya on 2018-04-25 10:47:54 UTC
Hi, tnx you for your reply. Assume that I calibrated my cameras. How I can publish this information? I take calibrated data from the internet for my camera just to check this and after that I will do the specific calibration but now I can not publish that data to camera_info topic. please . tnx
Asked by Aviad on 2018-04-25 10:55:50 UTC
Calibrating cameras is not hard at all, you could be done in 5 minutes or so. Once you get that done, the file will be saved into your ros directory and next time that'll be automatically published into camera_info topic :)
Asked by bpinaya on 2018-04-26 06:17:18 UTC