Error in Launch File

asked 2018-04-14 02:20:38 -0500

Ebey Abraham gravatar image

I am trying to write a launch file to render 3 pandora robots in STDR simulator.


<node pkg="stdr_robot" type="robot_handler" name="robot0" args="add $(find swarm-simulation)/robot/simBot.yaml 9 7 1.57" />

<node pkg="stdr_robot" type="robot_handler" name="robot1" args="add $(find swarm-simulation)/robot/simBot.yaml 7 5 3.14" />

<node pkg="stdr_robot" type="robot_handler" name="robot2" args="add $(find swarm-simulation)/robot/simBot.yaml 10 5 0" />

<include file="$(find stdr_robot)/launch/robot_manager.launch" />

<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="world2map" args="0 0 0 0 0 0  world map 100" />

<node type="stdr_server_node" pkg="stdr_server" name="stdr_server" output="screen" args="$(find stdr_resources)/maps/sparse_obstacles.yaml"/>

<include file="$(find stdr_gui)/launch/stdr_gui.launch"/>

But running this launch file only renders 2 bots in the STDR simulator. Can someone help me with why this is happening.

This is the link to the entire project: Simulation

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