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Construct deb package from ros package with my own dependencies

Hello, I'm trying to create a deb package for testing (i don't want to release it), and my package has internal dependencies. I use bloom-generate but rosdep does not work when I use my own services, messages or even another catkin package dependency, for example:

$ bloom-generate rosdebian --os-name ubuntu --ros-distro kinetic
==> Generating debs for ubuntu:xenial for package(s) ['My_Package']
Could not resolve rosdep key 'My_Msgs'
Try to resolve the problem with rosdep and then continue.
Continue [Y/n]? 
Running 'rosdep update'...
Could not resolve rosdep key 'My_Msgs'

If the solution goes by adding the key to rosdep, I would like to know how to do such task.. I've been searching and found tow different solution but I don't know how to apply them:

  1. use Checkinstall
  2. use dpkg-buidpackage

I've trying to study this two solutions but so far with no success, I will update the question if I manage to do something with these approaches

Asked by billyDong on 2018-04-11 04:45:06 UTC


This looks like a duplicate of

If there's anything not covered in that question let me know and I'll update to address it.

Asked by nuclearsandwich on 2018-04-11 12:09:31 UTC
