Finding Yaw of AR Drone 2.0
How to find the Yaw of the drone (wrt to base link) ? I need it for implementing a PID controller.
I would like to mention that I have a pair of calibrated stereo cameras as well.
I am aware of a few approaches listed below, but not sure which might work out -
The Ardrone IMU provides the yaw values but I also know that the IMU values are increasingly error prone (due to drift) as drone flight duration increases.
Could using April Tags also work ? Would a horizontal (laid out on the ground) be better than vertical , since it would avoid the issue of the drone being unable to track it (which can happen in vertical April tag case) ?
Would using OpenCV's cv::solvePNP (and hence obtain pose w.r.t. to the left stereo camera) be a good option ?
Thanks a lot !
Asked by malharjajoo on 2018-04-04 20:53:14 UTC