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Vehicle not moving, but robot_localization shows motion

I am trying to set up an Extended Kalman Filter, but I probably have some form of simple error. With a single Twist and a single Odometry input, the output Odometry shows the vehicle moving even when stationary, then steadily accelerating as the vehicle begins to move; it is like there is some hidden velocity component in my model.

My twist0 Twist data starts at all zeros (including covariance, although I have valid values in the ekf_template.yaml file), in the frameid dr, which is my vehicle zero point on start-up relative to the map, which RViz says is (-24762, -53804) - I've set `twodmode. Myodom0` data starts with a pose position of (-24762, -53804) and a twist of all zeros, with frameid map and childframeid dr.

The vehicle is not moving, but I see the odometry/filtered topic moving forward, and with both the yellow and purple areas growing as it moves. The topic has a pose growing away from zero, and a linear x twist of 2.6. frameid is dr and childframeid of `baselink`.

I'm sure I've got something obvious wrong; this is part of a larger system so I have turned off the publish_tf option.

Asked by KenYN on 2018-04-02 02:03:11 UTC


Have you checked that you are properly subscribed to the odometry topic in your visualizer? Also check that the origin frame from which the odometry is computed is the correct one.

Asked by thepirate16 on 2018-04-02 06:10:48 UTC

I believe I am correctly subscribed. For the time being, however, I have shelved this problem,.

Asked by KenYN on 2018-04-09 00:45:55 UTC

Please provide (a) your full EKF config and (b) a sample sensor message for every sensor input. This sounds like you are only feeding some subset of the velocity variables to the EKF.

Asked by Tom Moore on 2018-04-13 06:13:21 UTC
