While building tf map for gmapping, how to set tf tree?
While building tf map for gmapping, how to set tf tree?
Following document, http://wiki.ros.org/gmapping
Subscribed Topics tf (tf/tfMessage)Transforms necessary to relate frames for laser, base, and odometry (see below) scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)Laser scans to create the map from
I understood like as follow.
subscribe topie as tf made it from laser , base, odom topic, and publish map topic. to transform tf using [ laser , base, odom ]
And in the document say like below to for making tf tree
Required tf Transforms
Provided tf Transforms map → odomthe current estimate of the robot's pose within the map frame
Document say, [ map → odom ] [ base_link → odom ]
but, the project I run gmapping & built map show the tf tree like below [ map -> odom -> basefootprint -> baselink -> base_scan ]
I can not understand what does document saying. As I guess,
[ base link -> base scan ] [ odom -> base link ] like that.
please understand me.
Asked by Mingdyong on 2018-03-29 21:37:01 UTC
It should be map>odom>base_footprint>base_link>laser
from bottom to top
Asked by bfdmetu on 2020-07-01 09:34:17 UTC
How can we modify the tf tree? I'm just starting to read about gmapping and SLAM so I have no idea
Asked by mgrallos on 2022-03-20 10:27:16 UTC
Maybe you mean from TOP to BOTTOM not the opposite.. right ? Because the opposite means laser->base_link->odom->map , while the gmapping is giving a tf from map->odom .Can you explain ?
Asked by Kostas Tzias on 2022-10-12 07:22:11 UTC