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/ardrone/takeoff topic is missing

Hi, I'm new to ROS and I'm trying to simulate the an AR Parrot drone inside gazebo through tumsimulator. I have ROS kinetic, ardroneautonomy and tumsimulator installed. The problem is that when I create the ardrone test world it is correctly visualized in gazebo but than I can't control the motion of the drone by the command line. For instance, when I type rostopic pub -1 /ardrone/takeoff stdmsgs/Empty, the drone doesn't move. Only sensor monitoring commands are working. The list of my active topics is the following:


The topic /ardrone/takeoff is not active in that moment but it's existing. Is there anyone who had the same problem?


shubham16@shubham16-VirtualBox:~/catkin_ws$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash 
following is the output of roslaunch ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch

shubham16@shubham16-VirtualBox:~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash 
shubham16@shubham16-VirtualBox:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch 
... logging to /home/shubham16/.ros/log/4ee38c18-2db2-11e8-b270-080027a254e1/roslaunch-shubham16-VirtualBox-2077.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://shubham16-VirtualBox:43441/


 * /ardrone_driver/

 * /ardrone_driver/altitude_max: 4000

 * /ardrone_driver/altitude_min: 50

 * /ardrone_driver/bitrate: 4000
 * /ardrone_driver/control_vz_max: 700
 * /ardrone_driver/control_yaw: 1.75
 * /ardrone_driver/cov/imu_av: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
 * /ardrone_driver/cov/imu_la: [0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
 * /ardrone_driver/cov/imu_or: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
 * /ardrone_driver/detect_type: 10
 * /ardrone_driver/detections_select_h: 32
 * /ardrone_driver/detections_select_v_hsync: 128
 * /ardrone_driver/enemy_colors: 3
 * /ardrone_driver/enemy_without_shell: 0
 * /ardrone_driver/euler_angle_max: 0.21
 * /ardrone_driver/flight_without_shell: 0
 * /ardrone_driver/max_bitrate: 4000
 * /ardrone_driver/navdata_demo: 0
 * /ardrone_driver/outdoor: 0
 * /ardrone_driver/realtime_navdata: True
 * /ardrone_driver/realtime_video: True
 * /ardrone_driver/ultrasound_freq: 8
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.12

    ardrone_driver (ardrone_autonomy/ardrone_driver)

auto-starting new master

process[master]: started with pid [2088]


setting /run_id to 4ee38c18-2db2-11e8-b270-080027a254e1

process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2101]

started core service [/rosout]
process[ardrone_driver-2]: started with pid [2105]

Using custom ip address

Getting AR.Drone version ...

Getting AR.Drone version ...

Getting AR.Drone version ...

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-21 01:15:24 UTC


Are you able to connect to the drone? I've seen

Getting AR.Drone version ...

repeated like you've shown when I wasn't connected to the drone.

Asked by jayess on 2018-03-28 05:09:40 UTC

I just noticed that you're using tum_simulator, you're getting the message from my previous comment because you should use that package's launch files not ardrone_autonomy launch files directly. Otherwise, it tries to connect to a drone that you aren't using.

Asked by jayess on 2018-03-28 05:58:09 UTC


If you get this topics with rostopic list and /ardrone/takeoff isn't in this list then the topic hasn't been created so you might be missing the node creating it.

Do you launch ardrone.launch from the ardrone autonomy package ? This launch the node ardrone_driver which creates all the topics needed to move the drone (line 50 is the creation of the topic /ardrone/takeoff)

Asked by Delb on 2018-03-21 04:20:50 UTC


yeah, I have installed ardrone_autonomy and tried to run the following command roslaunch ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch but its giving the following error

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ardrone_autonomy/ardrone_driver]: can't locate node [ardrone_driver] in package [ardrone_autonomy]

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-21 08:40:40 UTC

ardrone_autonomy is installed perfectly, ardrone.launch executed from ardrone_autonomy, but still /ardrone/takeoff topic is not there, its showing the following message

WARNING: topic [/ardrone/takeoff] does not appear to be published yet

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-21 09:31:14 UTC

after running the code roslaunch ardrone_autonomy ardrone.launch

in new terminal when i type the code rosnode list it shows only one node that is /rosout

ardrone _driver node is not there

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-21 09:40:08 UTC

Can you show me the output of the roslaunch ?

Asked by Delb on 2018-03-21 09:49:59 UTC

how to upload an image?

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-22 04:08:55 UTC

Copy the text and paste it with the preformatted text button 101010 or CTRL-K

Asked by Delb on 2018-03-22 04:16:12 UTC

here i have given the output of the roslaunch in answer 2

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-22 04:18:51 UTC

maximum comment length reached...

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-22 04:22:58 UTC

It's better to edit your first question rather thant answering to give more inputs. For your issue does the "Getting AR.Drone Version" end at some point ? Looks like you don't establish the connexion with you drone so the node aren't launched till it's properly connected.

Asked by Delb on 2018-03-22 04:25:56 UTC

How to make the /ardrone/takeoff node active manually

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-22 21:29:23 UTC

Actually the takeoff node worked completely fine in my earlier system but it had some graphic issues in virtual machine due to which the simulation wont run so I am compelled to work on another PC. While working on this new PC I'm getting this problem

Asked by shubham11 on 2018-03-23 17:28:01 UTC

Hi shubham,

I reproduced your case by installing a fresh tum package on ros-kinetic from tum tutorial. Indeed the topics are not coming online as you see. The problem seems to be the version compatibility.

The official TUM Simulator package works on Ubuntu 14 but not on Ubuntu 16 (kinetic).

However, there is an port available on Internet that works with Ubuntu 16. Follow this step-by-step and you will get all the topics (including /ardrone/takeoff, /ardrone/land and /ardrone/reset

Try it up!

Asked by vvyogi on 2018-03-29 04:27:28 UTC


the link in the first answer by vvyogi didnt help me. But this github repo helped me

Asked by sezan92 on 2018-09-15 21:41:52 UTC
